I could eat this literally every day. Oh, and it's made out of leftovers.
It's a recipe that chris and I made up one night when I REALLY wanted chicken tortilla soup but didn't have any of the ingredients...SO here's how we make it
Onion-about a half of a white onion-chopped (no particular size) and let those sauté in the bottom of the pot so the'll be nice and translucent.
Next throw in some chopped up garlic (however much you want. We only had 3 of those pods left so thats what we used).
Next put an entire box of chicken broth in, then fill that box up with water and pour the water in the pot so you have equal parts.
Next throw in chopped carrots (we chopped up baby carrots because it's what we had)...again...however much you want! We used almost a full small bag of the baby carrots.
Let that all boil.
In the mean time, boil some chicken so you can shred it later.
Start cooking rice (unless you have leftovers). We cooked 2 cups of rice just until it was almost done.
Then we chopped up tomatoes and green onions next (the green onions were a last minute addition because we had some left over)
Next, throw in the chopped tomatoes and green onions. Then the shredded chicken. Then throw in some frozen corn. Then the rice.
Bring it all to a boil, add seasoning...
Crunch up some tortilla chips at the bottom of your bowl, soup on top of that, sour cream, pepper jack cheese (I swear that MAKES it) over that...